Premier Lithium Limited provides artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies for mining industries in Australia. The company offers discriminant predictive targeting, an AI target generation and validation technology that uses Data Cube to make predictions for location, size, grade, and depth of deposit; Discoveries Database, an evolving repository of publicly available mineral deposits and occurrences data; Data Cube, a multidimensional repository of cleaned and levelled geoscience data; Archean Gold Lode Alteration Detection System, a machine learning system; igRock, a prototype rock-type classification system; iDeposit, an ore deposit type classification system; and iFertile, a geochemistry-based gold fertility prediction system. It also holds an interest in the Desdemona North project consist of five exploration licenses located in the north of Kalgoorlie; the North Darlot JV Project located in the Yandal Region of the Yilgarn in Western Australia; the Mt Magnet project situated in the Murchison region of the Yilgarn Craton in Western Australia; and the Auralia nickel-copper-PGE project consist of three exploration licenses located in the Madura Province of Western Australia.
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