Dividend Calculator - Reinvestment, By Ticker, and Taxes

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Price growth
Additional investment per month
Calculation currency
Dividend income tax
Investment calculation length
Reinvesting (DRIP)

Make better investing decisions

Get critical dividend income and performance insights to see if you’re on track for your investing goals.


Dividend calculator by ticker

Our stock dividend calculator works with specific stocks and ETFs, automatically filling in the yield, current price, dividend growth, and more.


Dividend reinvestment

A dividend reinvestment calculator that lets you choose whether to calculate dividends and performance with DRIP turned on or off. It is perfect for long-term investors who want to compound their returns.

How to use our dividend calculator

We designed this simple dividend calculator for ease of use to calculate performance in a myriad of scenarios, including by stock and ETF ticker, with or without taxes accounted for, and with dividend reinvestment enabled or not.

Start by selecting the stocks and ETFs that comprise your portfolio by adding each security in the ticker name search field.

Then, edit key inputs for each holding, including the dividend growth rate, share price growth rate, shares owned, and cost basis.

Alternatively, you can skip editing the dividend growth rate for each stock since we automatically input a default growth rate determined by historical trends for each stock.

You can also apply a portfolio-wide share price growth rate to simplify performance estimates instead of using a custom growth rate for each stock entry.

The last steps are to add additional monthly investment amounts, select the desired currency, apply a dividend tax rate, set the investment length in years, and select whether dividend reinvestment should be applied.

The calculated results will be displayed below the calculator input section. They include charts and tables for key metrics, such as estimated annual dividend income, portfolio value by year and a diversification visualization.

We’ve also included several helpful features that allow you to view your calculation history, share your calculations via a URL, and quickly reset the dividend reinvestment calculator to start over.

If you want to compare a portfolio's performance against a benchmark, you can take one of two approaches. The first option is to use our portfolio tracker.

Alternatively, you can manually calculate the performance of a hypothetical portfolio. Then, you can compare the results to a separately calculated scenario using popular index ETFs, such as SPY for the S&P 500 or DIA for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, as a proxy for the overall benchmark.

Key formulas and inputs

Dividend yield
Annual dividend / current share price = Dividend yield

Investors use dividend yield to measure the dividends paid as a percentage of the share price to analyze and compare dividend stocks.

A company has a dividend yield of 3% if it pays $3.00 in total annual dividends and has a $100 share price (3.00 / 100 = 3%)

Dividend growth rate
Dividendyear 1 / Dividendyear 0 - 1 = Dividend growth rate

The dividend growth rate provides insights into the annual growth of dividends paid.

For example, a company has a 5% dividend growth rate if it paid $1.05 in dividends in the current year and $1.00 in the prior year (1.05 / 1.00 - 1 = 5%).

Price growth
Priceyear 1 / Priceyear 0 - 1 = Price growth rate

Price growth demonstrates the percentage growth of an investment when comparing two periods.

The price growth for a stock is 5% if its price is $105 in the current year and $100 in the prior year.

Yield on cost
Annual dividend / original cost per share = Yield on cost

Yield on cost explains the total annual dividend amount compared to the original cost per share.

Investment return formula
(Capital gain + dividend received) / Cost of the investment * 100 = Investment return

Investment return calculates total investment performance by combining capital gains and dividends received.

For example, a stock with a $10 gain per share and $1 of dividends received has an investment return of 27.5%, assuming a $40 cost per share, calculated as (10 + 1) / 40 * 100 = 27.5%.

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