Fair price for all-in-one investing tool

Dividend.watch is an independent financial tool that doesn’t show ads or selling your data. With one subscription you get a portfolio tracker, advanced calculator and screener – all connected.

😍 Get up to 3 months free with an annual plan


The essentials for beginners with smaller portfolios.


  • 1 portfolio
  • 10 holdings
  • Basic analytics


Most popular

Premium plan for growing your portfolio and access to most of features.


Choose plan
  • Risk-free 7-day trial
  • 3 portfolios
  • Unlimited holdings
  • Broker integrations
  • Dividend safety score
  • Unlimited calculator


Plan for people owning multiple portfolios packed with every feature we have.


Choose plan
  • Everything in premium plus:
  • Unlimited portfolios
  • DRIP support
  • Priority support

Frequently asked questions

Is there a free trial?

Yes! Try our premium plan for 7 days for free. We will send you and e-mail two days before the trial ends so you can decide if you want to continue using our service.

What is currency of your prices?

Prices are in USD. If you using other currency it will be converted to USD automatically.

Will be my data safe?

Yes, we use the latest security technologies from Google and Amazon. We don’t store your credit card information and we don’t share your data with third parties. Data are stored in the US-based servers.

Is there lifetime membership offer?

Thanks for the interest! Unfortunately, we don’t have lifetime membership offer at the moment. Our service is more suitable for monthly or annual payments to cover market data costs.

Is Dividend.watch for personal use only?

Yes. Dividend.watch Premium and Pro plans are only for personal use. If you are interested in using our service for your company, please contact us at [email protected].

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