en-japan inc. provides online recruitment, recruiting and staffing, employee training, and HR consulting and aptitude test services in Japan and internationally. The company operates job information sites, including en TENSHOKU for various recruitment and career change support services; en TENSHOKU WOMAN, a career-change support services for women; AMBI, a career change site designed for young people; MIDDLE NO TENSHOKU, a recruitment website; en HAKEN, a job-search site for temporary employment; en BAITO, a recruitment website for part-time and casual job information; en WOMEN WORK, a recruitment site for women professionals; and ONNA NO KYUJIN MART, a centralized recruitment site for female professionals. It also provides recruiting services, such as en AGENTS that offers professional and specialized support services; en Lighthouse, a word-of-mouth site; CAREER HACK, a career information site for professionals in web and IT industries; and SMART GYOKAI MAP, an industry research site that explains various companies and trends in specific industries.
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