D2L Corporation provides an online integrated learning platform for learners in higher education, K12, healthcare, government, and enterprise sectors. It offers Brightspace, a learning platform that combines usability, integrated analytics, and accessibility practices; Brightspace Learning Object Repository to manage learning objects and share content; Brightspace ePortfolio, which combines social sharing and learning concepts for learners; and Brightspace Insights, a solution to predict, measure, and guide student performance. It also provides Brightspace Degree Compass, a Web-based course recommendation tool that guides students' course selection; Brightspace LeaP, an adaptive learning platform to create individualized online learning experience for students; Brightspace Assignment Grader, an online grading tool that improves productivity and work-life balance; Brightspace Binder, a solution for students to collect, organize, and discover learning content; Brightspace Campus Life, an application that provides students with access to their courses, campus news and updates, upcoming events, and more; and Brightspace Course Catalog, a solution that enables users to search for the list of courses.
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