How does the dividend calculator work?

Our dividend calculator is designed to help investors estimate future portfolio performance, dividend income, and potential growth. Here’s a breakdown of its functionality.

Input stocks and ETFs

Start by adding stocks and ETFs using their ticker or name. For each holding, the calculator displays essential data like dividend yield, share price growth, and cost, allowing you to fine-tune your inputs.

Adjust key parameters

Customize calculations with options like the following:

  • Price growth expectations (e.g. average or custom percentages)
  • Monthly additional investments
  • Dividend tax rates
  • Reinvestment (DRIP) functionality

View calculation results

The calculator provides a clear summary of the following, among other insights:

  • Annual dividend yield and income
  • Target dividend income over the selected period
  • Total return and dividends over time

Predicted growth visualization

Results are displayed as interactive graphs showing portfolio value and annual dividend income over the specified timeline. A detailed year-by-year breakdown offers deeper insights.

Diversification insights

The tool also visualizes diversification, plotting stocks based on yield and growth potential for better decision-making.

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